[Typo3-dev] FORMidable front end forms : please help us improve !

Jerome jerome at jerome.net
Fri Nov 25 09:47:33 CET 2005

Hello community,

For those of you wanting to create Front end forms for their extensions, we 
just released the first version of ameos_formidable, a front end form api.
It's configured by XML.

We tried to make it really flexible and extensible. And, for once, not using 
TypoScript nor Hooks, but just XML configuration and object heritage and 

If some of you interested in the domain could take a quick look and tell us 
how we could improve what you think is a weak point ( if any ;), it would be 
very useful for us.

It's an alpha version, so don't expect everything to be quite perfect, but 
yet it's a fully workable version that we already and succesfuly used in 
some of our devs.

Thank you
The Ameos Typo3 Team

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