[Typo3-dev] TYPO3 3.8.1 released

Michiel Roos typo3 at monosock.org
Mon Nov 14 14:39:50 CET 2005

Users beware!

Upgrading phpmyadmin will break it if you have selected
english-utf-8 as your language (this was possible in the previous

I would like to put this in the wiki, but I have become afraid to put
stuff there, I might be banned ;-).

To fix this; go into your extension dir, go into the;
dir and do a
ln -s english-iso-8859-1.inc.php english-utf-8.inc.php

At least now you will be able to access your phpmyadmin instead of staring
at an error screen.

I think a warning is in place here. Somewhere in the release announcement
where phpmyadmin is discussed (Security point 6.).


Michiel Roos

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