[Typo3-dev] Integrating a new type of text area

Patrick Gaumond patrick.gaumond at fsa.ulaval.ca
Sat Jan 15 17:32:56 CET 2005

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:
>>And I think that the proper apporach is to improve the RTEs not to add 
>>some fancy pseudo STEs ("simple text editing").
> yes, for the body text field, lets get a proper RTE strategy going
> supporting all modern browsers. If THAT is possible we can also skip the
> boring hybrid format we are currently dragging around. I absolutely
> prefer a clean solution where the field contains wellformed HTML but
> editable by all users with an RTE.
> However I cannot manage this task alone and if I'm going into this I
> really really need to know that someone takes care of supporting that
> RTE in the future so we don't loose it all on the floor.
> Anyway; I don't have time for it now, but I hope that within a few weeks
> I can spend some time to support an RTE team. 
> So: What RTE extension is the favourable one for the community?

At the moment it's obviously rtehtmlarea !


Stanislas was very close in the applauses to Ruppi in the unsung heroes 
category at the T3Awards...

The extension is actively maintained and Stanislas is very open to 
improvements and such.

FCK seems also popular on sourceforge.net but the work of Stanislas is 
more mature then anything else... 

Have a look at the newsgroup!

BTW, Stanislas is also located in Province of Québec which is also a 
good sign.  ;)


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