[Typo3-dev] Integrating a new type of text area

André Hänsel andre at webkr.de
Sun Jan 16 01:38:41 CET 2005

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:
>> And I think that the proper apporach is to improve the RTEs not to
>> add some fancy pseudo STEs ("simple text editing").
> yes, for the body text field, lets get a proper RTE strategy going
> supporting all modern browsers.

Yes, I agree absolutely. This is one of the main goals - a proper RTE with a
backend which allows for detailed configuration of allowed and not allowed

> If THAT is possible we can also skip
> the boring hybrid format we are currently dragging around.

... I don't think the RTE can replace my wiki-style-formatting or vice

It is to be an additional way of entering text. I believe that entering
formats in wiki-style is still faster than any well-functioning RTE can be.

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