[Typo3-dev] Integrating a new type of text area

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Sat Jan 15 17:04:48 CET 2005

> And I think that the proper apporach is to improve the RTEs not to add 
> some fancy pseudo STEs ("simple text editing").

yes, for the body text field, lets get a proper RTE strategy going
supporting all modern browsers. If THAT is possible we can also skip the
boring hybrid format we are currently dragging around. I absolutely
prefer a clean solution where the field contains wellformed HTML but
editable by all users with an RTE.
However I cannot manage this task alone and if I'm going into this I
really really need to know that someone takes care of supporting that
RTE in the future so we don't loose it all on the floor.

Anyway; I don't have time for it now, but I hope that within a few weeks
I can spend some time to support an RTE team. 

So: What RTE extension is the favourable one for the community?

- kasper

> Masi
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- kasper

Happy new year! - My email address is now: 

		kasper2005 at typo3.com 

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