[Typo3-dev] Integrating a new type of text area

André Hänsel andre at webkr.de
Fri Jan 14 02:42:46 CET 2005


The RTE is a nice thing but has a few drawbacks (problems with (browser)
compatibility, configuration, development) so I'd like to have another type
of text area for simple formatting features.

Often it is enough to have a few possibilities: enumeration with bullets
(and eventually numbers), seperating lines, bold/italics, headers.
My idea is, to have text tranformed by "signal characters" as it is in
wikis, for example in MediaWiki (wikipedia.org).

There you can create an enumeratin by writing:
* Point 1
* Point 2
* Point 3

So how do I integrate this into Typo3? Is it possible to add a new type of
field by an extension? (I don't think so.) Also there should be a
configuration, which of its features are available - so that it does not end
as the RTE (allows a lot of features but no one knows how to _not_ allow
them). Of course I can use a normal text field and transform it in the
output, but I'd rather have it generally - selectable for all fields.


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