[Typo3-dev] Deactivating Backend Modules

Michael Scharkow mscharkow at gmx.net
Wed Jan 12 19:12:16 CET 2005

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:
>>A friend of mine who studies information technologies took a first
>>look at Typo3 and at the first moment he was overwhelmed by the amount
>>of buttons and icons which get presented to one when entering the BE.
>>He found it to be bloated :(
> It is obvious that from a beginners point of view there are tons of things that is not needed.

Beginners (or editors in general) should never get to see more than what 
they need, it's the admin's job to prepare the BE, search for/write the 
needed documentation (at which IMHO Typo3 für Redakteure does a great 
job) and train the editors (which can be done for a simple site with 
news and two languages in less than three hours.)

> The idea of the scaled down backend simply is to slide the beginner into the TYPO3 universe slowly. The development of such a concept should in my opinion offer several levels which are converging towards the final destination; The current full-featured backend which is not affected as such. 

Apart from the accessibility issue, what exactly has to be implemented 
that is not configurable through TSConfig and/or group ACLs yet? The 
problem with several levels of complexity for BE users is that it must 
all be consistent and e.g. creating a page should always be done in the 
same way, only with more options to advanced users.

But a complete redesign for newbies will probably make it hard to 
impossible to "lead" them to full-fledges TYPO3-dom. The entry would be 
easier but the shift to the "real" BE would be as hard, only a little 
later in the learning process.

What I suggest is the possibility to use the initial BE page after login 
for some big icons for wizards as they are used in the Nero software 
(What do you want to do? Create page, create news, etc.) or the like. 
This would make the BE look less intimidating and still lead to the 
common content creation workflow.


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