[Typo3-dev] Reference image instead of copying

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Wed Dec 21 15:12:46 CET 2005

Hi Dmitry.

Martin Kutscher mentions the "mergeIfNotBlank" feature which could work if you 
have a true database field and use localized records pointing to an original 
- but since you use FCE its not possible. However there are override options 
inside the FCE _if_ you use the value-binding translation methods 
(<langChildren> = 1).

Anyway, more generally your idea is already on my todo list: To create a new 
TCA element type of a file reference to a directory where files are 
referenced to and NOT copied. With such a new field type you could do what 
you want. 

I must stress that this type is an alternative to the current type which 
copies the file because copying the file really is a valid concept in itself 
(especially when playing with versioning where the file reference is more 
difficult to handle).

I suggest that someone volunteers to create this type. A patch could be 
announced on the bug-tracker. I also want to notice that if this patch will 
be implemented best directly in the core and not as an extension, simply 
because we need to implement awareness of this new file reference type to 
make sure that the import/export functionality takes notice of it and that 
the new reference index also counts it in.

My best christmas greetings to you!

- kasper

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