[Typo3-dev] proper way to include typoscript setup and constants in an extension

Martin T. Kutschker Martin.no5pam.Kutschker at blackbox.n0spam.net
Tue Jun 1 10:13:41 CEST 2004

Zach Davis wrote:
> Quick question -- perhaps it's been answered and I missed it, in which 
> case I'll apologize in advance :).
> The new API docs say that the old way of including typoscript (in 
> ext_typoscript_constants and ext_typoscript_setup) in an extension is 
> now deprecated. Can someone point me towards the most correct way of 
> doing this at this point, or an extension that I should model mine after?
> Currently, I use the ext_typoscript_setup file to include CSS styles for 
> the plugin (chc_forum, a discussion board plugin I've been working on). 
> Is there a better way to do this now?

Isn't this done via a dir called "static" inside an extension? I've seen 
the new kickstarter producing stuff like this.


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