[Typo3-dev] Favorite PHP editor/IDE?

Sacha Vorbeck nospam at look_for_my_email_at_end_of_message.body
Mon Jul 12 10:50:02 CEST 2004


> How? Do you just mean the editor-features like syntax-checking, etc. or 
> something else?

the ability to see all the values of variables at any step of the 
script, to follow the process of a page rendering step by step through 
all files/classes that are involved. Setting break points etc.. This was 
a whole new experience for me as I used to work with echo/debug output 
to find errors. That was like looking for the needle in a haystack 

> I also think Zend is a great editor, but what about the speed of the 
> IDE? 

sorry, I only saw Peters demonstration on his notebook running Debian 
Linux. The app speed seemed to be good but I don`t know what hardware he 
was using.

Peter, can you comment this?


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