[Typo3-dev] HELP!

Chi Hoang hoang at planb-media.de
Wed Feb 11 10:44:03 CET 2004

Peter Niederlag wrote:

I'm working on the extension pk_limitmenutolang. It uses XCLASS to modify
getMenu and getpageoverlay functions. I believe there is an error in
pk_limitmenutolang, because when the modified getMenu check and fetch the
current language it returns NOT ONLY the page overlays but EVERYTHING
different from default language. This causes problems with the menu objects.
In my menu on the third level IFSUB is true although the language doesnt
exist (on this page only default language exist in my one-tree concept).  So
I changed a bit pk_limitmenutolang to return only the desired pageoverlay by
checking langoverlay attribute. But now IFSUB isnt working anymore in other
language then default language. In fact I got rid of those IFSUB and it is
far better than with IFSUB (for the endcustomer) and IFSUB is still working
for default language, but it is not that satisfying to me. I want that IFSUB
is working with every language and every subpages constellation. Actually Im
wondering that I couldnt find any about it in the knowledge base (ie.
archiv), because this must IMHO be a widespread problem, or am I totally



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