[Typo3-dev] HELP!

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Wed Feb 11 10:28:30 CET 2004


Chi Hoang schrieb am 10.02.2004 um 42:18 Uhr CET

> Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
> > well, when click the URL I posted in my earlier mail, and then enter
> > "tslib_content" into the form, I get some very nice results.
> Okay, thanks,
> could you explain me this function call?
> $recs = $this->sys_page->getMenu($uid,'doktype,uid');
> its from function isSubMenu from class.tslib_menu.php. I believe there
> is in error with multilanguage somewhere here, but I cant figure out
> excatly.

Can you describe the problem in more detail?
The languageoverlay should be applied in $this->sys_page->getMenu.

> I changed the function getMenu to return only pages with
> langOverlayed set if sys_language_uid is set. But now IFSUB isnt
> working anymore for this languages. I want to know what
> $this->sys_page-> is?

$GLOBALS["TSFE"] is a 'tslib_fe' Objekt (see class.tslib_fe.php). That
is the "main FE-Objekt holding it all together".

$GLOBALS["TSFE"] ->sys_page is a containing(?)/referenced(?)
't3lib_pageselect' Objekt(see class.t3lib_page.php).

Where did you change the function getMenu? Myself I wouldn't change it
in the source unless I really knew what I'd do.
You are adviced to do it  with an Extension-class anyway.

I am not sure if it causes trouble if one just copies this
function into some other/own class if the class doesn't extend the
t3lib_pageselect class. Could someone enligthen my knowledge of
object-oriented programming here?

HtH U 2,
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * Typo3 und EDV-Dienstleistungen *
http://www.clown-goli.de * Clown-Comedy-Jonglage-Animation *

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