[Typo3-debian] Integration of Typo3-Packages into the Debian main archive

Ingmar Schlecht ingmar at typo3.org
Sun Nov 7 11:13:35 CET 2004

Hi Christian,

Christian Leutloff wrote:
> - typo3-src-frontend-3.6, typo3-src-frontend-3.7, etc. PHP-Sources of
> Typo3 for the frontend; used source will be determined through a symlink
> or appropriate apache configuration; I hope, that 3.7.1 and up only
> differs slightly from 3.7.0, so an upgrade even of a production system
> is possible.
> - typo3-src-backend-3.6, typo3-src-backend-3.7, etc. Backend-Sources of
> Typo3

No, don't make separate packages for backend and frontend, one package 
containing both is enough.

You can still disable the backend by deleting the symlink to the backend 
(typo3 -> typo3_src/typo3) from your site folder.

> - typo3-db-dummy, typo3-db-quickstart - Database tables/templates

No, I don't think dummy, quickstart and testsite should be delivered in 
separate packages.

They can only serve for an initial installation, upgrading is not 
possible anyway.

So if e.g. the content of the quickstart package changes, the debian 
package should still not update any installed quickstart package in 
/var/www because the user has probably already changed the content to 
represent his own website and not the website of FC Bigfeet.

That's why I opt for including all the packages into the 
typo3-site-installer, so you get the choice to install dummy, 
quickstart, or testsite.

> - typo3-site-installer (or typo3-common or typo3-site-manager) -
> provides utilities used to manage typo3 (select database
> template/source/extensions etc.); the site-installer is upstream
> maintained in a different place, it is targeted to different typo3
> versions -> therefor I'd like to use a different package.

IMHO the site-installer should only take care of installing new packages 
(as described above). Template selection and things like that can be 
done in the TYPO3 backend afterwards, an installer should not confuse by 
trying to replace what the backend is made for.

> - typo3-<extensions>

So you mean global extensions should be installable by using separate 

In which directory should the extension then be installed?

I'd place them in the global extension folder of a specific TYPO3 branch 
like 3.6, 3.7 and so forth.

The package name would then have to be:

(BTW, I hate that tx_ttnews naming convention, so I opt for not using 
that instead of the plain extensionkey)

The package name of tt_news could look like:

It would then be installed in:

> - typo3 - virtual package provided for an easy start with typo3 -
> depends on last typo3-src version plus quickstart database

I'd rather say the virtual package should depend on last typo3_src plus 


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