[Typo3-debian] memory consumption of apache/mysql (not php limit!)

Steffen Mueller steffen at davis.kommwiss.fu-berlin.de
Fri May 7 13:31:36 CEST 2004

On 07.05.2004 09:11 Hans J. Martin wrote:
> unfortunatly our apache/mysql server seems to need a lot of memory for
> running typo3 3.6.0. As I have set the php-memory limit to about 32 MB I
> feel that this is an configuration error and not depending on typo3(?) - so
> this might be a little bit ot..
> When I reload a page about ten times I find approx. 10 apache processes -
> each with a memory ressource demand of 24 M and approx 16 mysql processes
> with 17 M.. (seen via top).


just to exclude mistakes:
consider php memory_limit applies to each apache thread.
10 apache threads * 32mb = 320 mb
so the behavior of apache/php is totally right.

indeed, mem consumtion is quite high on your server. e.g. on my machine, 
it's <3mb foreach apache and the same for mysql.

what happens if you set php memory_limit to 16mb?
you should get a fatal error saying the the memory limit was exceeded 
and it will try to point out what line made it go over.


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to thoughtful uncertainty." (Don Clarks' Scrapbook)

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