[Typo3-debian] imagemagick and safe_mode_exec_dir

Jean-Marie Schweizer jms at marktauftritte.ch
Sun Apr 18 08:07:10 CEST 2004


I tried to clean up the mess a little bit

1. I made a new file myhttpd.conf and added the following code as 
described in 

<Directory /var/www/*/html>
    AllowOverride All
    Options +FollowSymLinks +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
    PHP_ADMIN_FLAG safe_mode off
    PHP_ADMIN_VALUE safe_mode_exec_dir /
    PHP_ADMIN_VALUE open_basedir /
    PHP_ADMIN_FLAG allow_url_fopen On

I wonder why safe_mode_exec_dir is needed but I just go for it

At the same time I deleted what I had set up in httpd.conf and included 
myhttpd.conf AFTER confixx_mhost.conf (that includes confixx_vhost.conf)

I also got rid of the last line in httpd.conf:

php_admin_value safe_mode off

2. I changed the php.ini and set safe_mode off and commented out 

I hope that now I have a somehow clean configuration.


The problem I'm having is that although I change all this, Typo3 still 
tells me that safe_mode is on (phpinfo() as well (local not master)

I restarted apache with apachectl graceful and apachectl restart. Both 
times I get this message:

/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful: httpd not running, trying to start
/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful: httpd started

With apachectl stop I get the following message:

/usr/sbin/apachectl stop: httpd (no pid file) not running

How can that be when I still can access web pages?

I looked all over the internet but couldn't find anything like it.

I wonder if I am unable to restart apache and that's why everthing seems 
to be the same.


Does anyone have an idea what I should do next to get along?

Maybe it's now off-topic if it's just an apache problem but it might be 
that typo3_3.6.0RC2 doesn't show the right values (as it did before in 
3.5.0 with imagemagick).


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