[Typo3-debian] Problems with GDlib 2

Christian Lerrahn jsfan at web.de
Sat Oct 25 17:16:19 CEST 2003

> I'm a newbie to Typo3 and there's a few things I don't understand. I'm
> running a website with a graphical menu on Debian Woody. Although I'm
> using the Debian-Packages for Typo3 I get black images instead of the
> ones I want. To find out if it is a problem with IM or with GD2 I
> installed the statically linked tar of IM 4.2.9 I found at
> typo3.sunsite.dk. This didn't help. Now I'm sure that the problem is
> caused by the GDlib 2. But there's one thing I don't understand. I can
> install a GD1 but not a php4-gd package. And even if I had that the
> typo3-packages depend on php4-gd2. Does this mean that everything should
> actually work with this package? I've set the option for GD2, but no
> matter if it is set or unset, I'll get the same result. Does it work
> perfectly for anybody?

Any hints?


    Wie  der Schmelztiegel das Silber und der Ofen das Gold, so prüft
    der Herr die Herzen.   Sprüche 17,3
    Stellt euch nicht dieser Welt gleich, sondern ändert  euch  durch
    Erneuerung eures Sinnes, damit ihr prüfen könnt, was Gottes Wille
    ist,  nämlich  das  Gute  und  Wohlgefällige   und   Vollkommene.
            Römer 12,2

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