[Typo3-debian] typo3-base 3.5.0-2 tested

Edelhard Becker becker at edelhard.de
Mon Apr 14 02:20:55 CEST 2003


just installed the package on my system and have a few suggestions /
improvements (Michael, I'll send you a patch via PM):

 - a few more hints in README.Debian:

  1 don't install the new website in ~/public_html (what i --- as
    normal user --- first did; apache's SymLinksIfOwnerMatch for
    this directory doesn't allow links to /usr/share/typo3/latest;
    usual place should be /var/www
  2 a few directories have to be created (typo3temp/ uploads/
    typo3conf/ typo3conf/ext/ uploads/pics/ uploads/media/
    uploads/tf/ fileadmin/ fileadmin/_temp_/ 
  3 sample/default typo3conf/localconf.php is missing
  4 the directories should be UID/GID www-data.www-data
  5 give a hint where he/she can find his/her new site:
  5.1 at http://localhost/t3site/typo3/install/ the user should find
      the "TYPO3 3.5.0 Install Tool"; login with joh316 and change
      password; re-login with new password, then do Install Tool steps
  5.2 http://localhost/t3site/typo3/ then is the configured Typo3 and
  5.3 http://localhost/t3site/ for the created site.

 - for 2, 3 and 4 above i'll include a small script

 - is the die()-call in
   /usr/share/typo3/typo3_src-3.5.0/typo3/install/index.php necessary
   for a Debian package (it will be recreated by each new

 - shouldn't the typo3/temp/* files excluded from the package?

 - in the patch i've also fixed some lintian warnings (description
   from freshmeat entry, LICENSE file, compress upstream changelog,
   exim/MTA dependancy reversed)

 - i'm currently in the NM Queue and waiting for the DAM creating the
   account; once i'm a DD i'd like to sponsor the package and upload
   it; is there any reason against inclusion of Typo3 into a major
   distribution / any statement from Kasper?


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