[TYPO3-about] Typo3 4.5 end of maintenance

Jan-Hendrik Heuing jh at ivi-solutions.com
Tue Sep 9 15:33:42 CEST 2014


I do not expect extending the life time will change anything. 

I have also been in contact with 4.5 clients, and most of them are not really interested in spending time and money on serious updates, possibly including updating things to new technologies like Fluid and things like that.

Extending the life span will probably only help very few: Those who are working on updates, and who need more time. I don't think that people will start updating soon which did not already start anyway... They just start updating 6 month later, if it all.

In my point of view, I would keep the deadline - as it already is hard for the core dev's to keep up with as many versions anyway I would expect. Rather people interested in providing additional services and security patches for 4.5 could offer payed support. Even those people could combine their efforts. 

At least in my point of view, I would NOT expect anyone spending their free time for me / my project more than they agreed to, while they could spend their time on something they choose. It can not be their fault, if I don't start updating in time, even with loads of time extensions.


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