[Tycon3] do you know...

Michael Scharkow mscharkow at gmx.net
Wed Jun 22 09:32:22 CEST 2005

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:

> I'm working my butt up with the rest off the assoc.
> active members to raise a long-term vision for TYPO3 on all levels,
> implement it in real life and all we get in return for our first and
> sometimes faulty attempts is resistance instead of cheers and helping
> hands from the brothers that are the closest to support us. Helping
> hands, constructive criticism, commitments of work; not suspicion and
> crossed arms.

Dear Kasper,

I don't think that your and the assoc.'s efforts are met with suspicion
and resistance from long-time users. As Thomas stated, it's almost
always a communication and transparency issue that is (contructively,
most often) critized. I do read all the lists and still I am often
surprised by things like the roadmap: Robert's posting was "We have a
roadmap" and it was instantly released on t3.org instead of making an
announcement in -dev "We have an outline of a roadmap and want feedback
from the crowd".

As with this thread: Money is for most people a rather delicate issue,
(and I remember e.g. Joey had already made a reservation for the hotel,
so I understand that he might be a little pissed) and I don't think
"envy" is the right word for this because I don't envy the people the
TYPO3 assoc. for making money out of it, nor the people attending the
conference. I'm also just waiting for a dev conference to happen...

So I wish the organizers a huge success with TyCon and I am waiting for
the proceedings. And assoc people: Keep up the good work!


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