[TYPO3-windows] install typo on local server/ work offline?

Els Coolen els at jrs.or.id
Fri Jun 30 04:44:33 CEST 2006

Dear all

I had previously installed typo 3.8 on my local PC's server and was able 
to work offline.
After a hardware crash, I installed both quickstart 3.8.1 for windows 
and dummy 3.8.1 for windows, but both versions do not work on my local 

as the quickstart package includes apache and MySQL, I would assume it 
would work on my local server. I have followd all steps described in the 
installation guidelines, but I only get an empty page on Firefox when I 
hit localhost.

Could you please tell me how I can work offline with typo, since I want 
to develop an basic website offline before I pay for online server space.

thanks for any information!
Els Coolen, Indonesia
Els Coolen
Information and Advocacy Manager - JRS Indonesia
Coordinator Indonesian Campaign to Ban Landmines

els at jrs.or.id - www.jrs.or.id
+62 813 28047871
Gang Cabe DPIII No9 Puren Pringwulung
Depok Sleman

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