[TYPO3-UG Dutch] Ter info: T3 versie 4 release candidate 3

Daniel Doesburg typo3 at doesburg.biz
Tue Apr 4 23:17:49 CEST 2006

Alleen te begrijpen door degenen die deze test hebben uitgevoerd:

Wie weet hoe ik aan de user - extensies kom?
De quickstartsite wil ze heel graag importeren en installeren maar kan
ze blijkbaar niet vinden


>>  * Fixed functionality to automatically load extensions required by T3D
>>    exports.
>>    It would be really nice if some people could test this feature by
>>    trying to import the quickstart.t3d and testsite.t3d exports from
>>    http://webempoweredchurch.org/fileadmin/proj/misc/ and reply to this
>>    announcement saying whether it worked or not. Thanks in advance!

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