[TYPO3-UG Dutch] Ter info: T3 versie 4 release candidate 3

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Tue Apr 4 22:57:46 CEST 2006

Ric van Westhreenen|alterNET Internet BV wrote:

>Ter info voor de liefhebbers: er is een release candidate nr. 3 uit van 
>versie 4.
Staat erOp! Werk vanuit RC2...


>Hi folks,
>since 4.0rc2 wasn't quite as stable as we had wished, another Release
>Candidate was needed. We hope to have fixed all major bummers in rc3, so
>please test it thoroughly in order to have a stable 4.0 final soon.
>When reporting bugs to http://bugs.typo3.org/ remember to set the
>product version to 4.0rc3 because those reports will be prioritized.
>Changes from rc2 to rc3:
>  * Element Browser works again. Please test all features of the element
>    browser and reply to this announcement in typo3.dev if it worked.
>  * A bunch of fixes to css_styled_content and its css based imgtext
>    implementation.
>  * Creating custom workspaces now works with IE as well.
>  * Admin panel doesn't loose GET parameters anymore.
>  * One-click undo in backend forms works again
>  * Turkish case-shifting problem with <LINK> fixed in RTE by using
>    lowercase <link> instead
>  * Fixed functionality to automatically load extensions required by T3D
>    exports.
>    It would be really nice if some people could test this feature by
>    trying to import the quickstart.t3d and testsite.t3d exports from
>    http://webempoweredchurch.org/fileadmin/proj/misc/ and reply to this
>    announcement saying whether it worked or not. Thanks in advance!
>For a complete list of changes have a look at the incremental ChangeLog
>attached to this announcement.
>You can download the source at:
>your core team
>-- Curious what's going on in the TYPO3 core development? Just subscribe 
>to the read-only core team mailinglist: 
>2006-04-04  Michael Stucki  <michael at typo3.org>
>	* Release of TYPO3 4.0rc3
>	* Fixed bug #3065: wrap2.splitChar and wrap3.splitChar are ignored
>	* Fix RDCT links: Did not point to index.php by default
>	* Fix several bugs related with CSS Styled Content, see below. Many 
>thanks to Ernesto Baschny who did all of this!
>		* Now the CSS version of "Text w/images" and "Images" (table-less) 
>also respect the textMargin constant so that (finally) the user can 
>specify a different margin to separate the image block from the text. 
>"colSpacing" now only applies to inter-images spacing, which is what the 
>table-based approach also does.
>		* For this to work we need to apply two new classes to the images 
>(csc-textpic-firstcol and csc-textpic-lastcol). This is configurable 
>through an optionSplitted new property "addClassesImage" of the USER object
>		* Having this also allowed us to fix a bug in positioning: The whole 
>image-block can now stretch correctly over the given width without any 
>margins around it (which is required if you have just an image-block, 
>without text). Without the patch, you always have "margin-right" (if 
>images are placed to the left or center) or "margin-right" (if images 
>are placed to the right).
>		* Fixed also a problem with the calculation of image width if we have 
>borders and border-spacings: Now the whole image-block will always be 
>exactly maxW wide (so if you have borders and spacing, the images will 
>get slightly smaller). Without this, the image-block could "explode" a 
>fixed-width layout.
>		* Added empty rendering definition for cType "div"  (divider) to 
>prevent error message
>	* Fixed setup module: Colons were wrapped to the next line
>	* Small fixes to t3skin
>	* Indexed Search: Added crawler support for 
>2006-04-04  Peter Niederlag  <peter at niederlag.de>
>	* Fixed bugs #2949, #3016, #3037: Several Element Browser bugs
>2006-04-04  Sebastian Kurfuerst  <sebastian at garbage-group.de>
>	* Implement Single-Click rollback in record history
>2006-04-04  Stanislas Rolland  <stanislas.rolland at fructifor.ca>
>	* Fixed bug #1303: Broken FE-links with "config.locale_all=tr_TR"
>2006-04-04  Martin Kutschker  <martin.t.kutschker at blackbox.net>
>	* Fixed bug #2868: Admin Panel always loses GET parameters
>	* Fixed bug #2994: Calling PHP5-only iconv functions in PHP4
>	* Language related changes:
>		* Fixed TYPO3/ISO mappings: kr=>ko, gl=>kl, removed old mapping he=>iw 
>(ISO code has changed a long time ago), added ba=>bs.
>		* Updated and fixed locale/script-family mapping (for detection of the 
>locale charset).
>		* Updated info for adding a language in config_default.php
>		* Changed variable names to reflect true meaning, so somebody else may 
>understand what's going on.
>		* Corrected language drop down in BE.
>	* Fixed restriction to languages in Frontend editing
>2006-04-04  Karsten Dambekalns  <karsten at typo3.org>
>	* Fixed bug #3097: EM leaves mirror* files on failure
>2006-04-04  Dmitry Dulepov  <typo3 at accio.lv>
>	* Fix to workspace forms
>2006-04-04  Kasper Skaarhoj  <kasperYYYY at typo3.com>
>	* New function t3lib_div::array2xml_cs() that respects character sets
>	* Change default value of 
>$TYPO3_CONF_VARS[FE][pageCacheToExternalFiles] to false (feature was 
>enabled by default, which was a mistake of course)
>2006-03-29  Franz Holzinger <kontakt at fholzinger.com>
>	* Fixed bug #2722 and #2837: table wizard has wrong array elements
>2006-03-28  Ingmar Schlecht  <ingmar at typo3.org>
>	* Fixed bug #3027: Wrong value for "Marked-deleted pages" in Records 
>	* Fixed bug #3022: "c" prefixed to local #anchors causes trouble
>	* Fixed bug in t3lib_tstemplate: File references to media/ are now 
>automatically prefixed with "typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/".
>2006-03-28  Christian Jul Jensen  <christian at jul.net>
>	* Fixed bug 999: Encoding mail headers in taskcenter
>	* Fixed bug 3001: Support for multiple tables with columnsonly in 

Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/
skype: callto://r.vantwisk
=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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