[TYPO3-UG Denmark] tt_news hooks, hvordan?

Stefan Kreisberg stefan at nospam-linkfactory.dk
Sun May 6 15:48:40 CEST 2007

Sylvester Nielsen wrote:

> Hej Liste,
> Jeg har læst lidt på How to use existing hooks in your own extension på
> http://typo3.org/development/articles/how-to-use-existing-hooks/
> Umiddelbart forstår jeg ikke helt denne artikel.
> Min plan var at benytte getUserObj, men hvor skal jeg gemme min nye
> klasse? Er det i en ny extension, eller skal jeg ligge den i tt_news?

Det står faktisk på side 3 i det link du selv påpeger ovenfor.
> Er der eventuelt en som har en sådan klasse liggende som jeg kan se.

Jeg mener endda der ligger et eksempel i tt_news på en selectConfHook og
ellers er der et på føromtalte side 3 :)
> Venlig hilsen
> Sylvester Nielsen


vh Stefan Kreisberg, a.k.a. Strato
Police: Good evening, are you the host?
Host:   No.
Police: We've been getting complaints about this party.
Host:   About the drugs?
Police: No.
Host:   About the guns, then?  Is somebody complaining about the guns?
Police: No, the noise.
Host:   Oh, the noise.  Well that makes sense because there are no guns
        or drugs here.  (An enormous explosion is heard in the
        background.)  Or fireworks.  Who's complaining about the noise?
        The neighbors?
Police: No, the neighbors fled inland hours ago.  Most of the recent
        complaints have come from Pittsburgh.  Do you think you could
        ask the host to quiet things down?
Host:   No Problem.  (At this point, a Volkswagon bug with primitive
        religious symbols drawn on the doors emerges from the living
        room and roars down the hall, past the police and onto the
        lawn, where it smashes into a tree.  Eight guests tumble out
        onto the grass, moaning.)  See?  Things are starting to wind

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