[TYPO3-UG Australia] TYPO3 Down Under

Kian Greis - AOE media greis at aoemedia.de
Wed May 17 15:52:27 CEST 2006

Hi guys

I am the manager of one of the biggest TYPO3 agencies in Germany. I am currently in Sydney and we just presented TYPO3 at the Cebit Australia and the response was very big, 95% of the agencies and big clients had never heard of it before and we wanna change something about it. Ingmar Schlecht, from the core team, who some of you might be familiar with has met with a couple of you. I am still here for 2 more weeks, so I would be happy to hear some feedback from you guys, how you see the development of TYPO3 down here, because I am currently writing an article labelled "TYPO3 Down Under" for the first TYPO3 Magazine T3N. I would be happy to hear from you guys and if you could also send me some projects each of you has done with TYPO3 so us Germans J get a better idea of what is actually happening here already.

Please e-mail all your experiences/problems/suggestions and ideas for my article to my address greis at aoemedia.de

Cheers and hope to hear from you soon

AOE Media 
c/o Kian Greis
Borsigstr. 18 
65205 Wiesbaden 

Tel. +49 (0) 6122 58 70 12
Fax. +49 (0) 6122 58 70 22
Mobil: +49 (0) 178 86 99 617
e-Mail: greis at aoemedia.de 
Web: http://www.aoemedia.de

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