[TYPO3-team-templavoila] RFC: #13115: Bugfix: Drag and Drop involves the "New and Browse" icons and gives wrong results

Tolleiv.Nietsch info at tolleiv.de
Tue Dec 29 11:20:56 CET 2009

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

trunk templavoila_1-4

Drag&Drop involves the "New and Browse" icons at the very top and gives 
wrong results.

The attached patch modifies code added in #13067 - due to the fact that 
another div was added to the container drag&drop involves it and 
produces strange stuff.

The patch changes the div to a span and fixes rendering issues - that's 
the easiest solution - if we want to keep the div it might need much 
more effort to get drag&drop working with that.


Tolleiv Nietsch
www.tolleiv.de - www.aoemedia.de
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