[TYPO3-t3skin] About myself & Tasks

Jens Hoffmann jens.hoffmann at dkd.de
Mon May 28 18:18:06 CEST 2007

Guy come down .. is't just about GFX :)

1. PNG is not a good Vektor format.
    Its a 24bit stored Pixel format with a 32bit alpha chanel. (Or 8bit.)

2. I would suggest SVG's. If needed ... I don't really see the needs. :)

3. AI/EPS is good for the work phase but not for the final Product.

4. There is a true BIG difference between Icon sizes. If you ever tryed it ...
    It's not done with a simple scale down/up. If it comes to 24px or smaller,
    there has to be PIXEL Version to keep the focus on the important details.
    I tryed this 100 Times, there is no automatic solution for this ...
    ... this is pure handwork. :) If you have a pro. working example .. let me know.

    But if the new Skin gives a sensfull need for big Icons, we need at least 2 ver.
    1. Vektor for +32px Icons and 2. one Pixel ver. for -24px.

5. I WORK IN PS, that's what I wrote. Not: I store only Pixel!

6. It a lot quicker to create a bunch of Mogups in PS than in AI.
    And on the end, in the web, you need a Pixel Layout and this is PiTa in AI.

Greez Jens

Ps: Hy, JoH how is your ICE-Box going?
     It was quite impressive at the DD07! For me the main highlight!
     I like to see more :) Have a nice Day.

JoH asenau wrote:
>>> They not only help in "development" but also help in the final
>>> product. Vecorized images can be scaled up/down with no problems.
>>> This means we can include features like several icon sizes without
>>> having to draw one icon several times. If you have a vector
>>> image/icon with the size of 100x100 you can easily scale it up to
>>> 900x900..
>> I've never seen icons 100x100 big. If you'd use those icons in real
>> world icon size, say 32x32 or 16x16, they'll scale down without any
>> loss for sure. But the bad thing is that won't be able read any
>> details
>> anymore or you have to guess what the icons meaning is.
>> On the other hand -  what do we need 900x900 icons? We have a defined
>> icon size for the BE which is 18x16.
> These were just examples (of course 900x900 will be never used as an icon)
> but for a new skin I would definitely vote for variable icon sizes, so that
> the user can decide about the size that fits his needs. (i.e. by a field for
> BE users, that will render a selectbox with different sizes to choose from)
> The major drawback with fixed sized icons of the current size is that many
> people, especially those who are using larger resolutions on their screens
> really have problems to recognize them. The older those people are the
> bigger this problem might be due to different problems with eye sight.
>> GIF should be good for everybody unless he needs more colors, then
>> it's PNG.
>> To sum up: There's no need for vektors, we're not going to print icons
>> on uge banners or flags.
> There is: Since we will need the possibility to scale icons to different
> sizes and this will never work lossless when you are using pixel based
> images. Of course the quality of downscaled images is not as bad as that of
> upscaled ones, but you will always loose quality. This will not happen, if
> you are using a vector base to render different icon sizes.
> Just to make it clear: We are not talking about delivering vector based
> formats to the clients browser but about vector based formats as a base for
> pixel based icons that can be rendered on demand.
> Since this can easily be done with the tools that are already available for
> TYPO3 (GDlib, IM, GM) I don't see where the problem might be, since the
> resulting icon will still be a GIF or PNG depending on the settings you made
> in your localconf.php
> And even if we didn't use dynamically rendered icons at all, vector based
> images as a working base to deliver different sets of pixel based icons for
> the BE will still be the better choice.
> Got the point?
> Joey

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