[TYPO3-hci] FE/BE Forms Library - two wishes

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Mon Jun 19 19:58:27 CEST 2006

Martin Kutschker wrote:
> You don't understand what I meant.
> The current BE forms are based compeltely on the TCA. If you want
> something else you have to code your own form handling.
> The idea is that the new form library can handle everything (plain mail
> forms, DB forms, LDAP forms etc). So the BE of course will still be able
> to render TCA based forms. But this code must use the new "abstract"
> form library.
> Masi


yepp, that is the philosophy of modularization we need.
So we get some layers:

  -----------------      checks/evaluation          ---------------------
     HTML Forms         ------------------------    XML, PDF, Flash Forms
  -----------------                                 ---------------------

  ---------------------    ---------------------
   TCA configured forms     TS configured forms
  ---------------------    ---------------------

Something in that direction. There are some libraries as extensios
available we can learn from. Christoph Koehler is active.

However common FE/BE forms is something that needs to be initiated from the
core team. It's a central point.

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