[TYPO3-hci] BE vs FE

Waldemar Kornewald wkornew at gmx.net
Thu Aug 3 14:33:40 CEST 2006

On 8/3/06, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] <ernst at cron-it.de> wrote:
> > TYPO3:
> > Despite its importance for creating (e.g.) news items,
> It might be important in your site, but it might not be important to
> another site. This is why I think this is not a decision the CMS has to
> make, but it has just to provide ways for the admin to configure the
> backend in a way the most important stuff for the current site is easily
> accessible.

News items was just an example. My suggestion is to move the "Create
new record" function to the top and make it easily accessible. That
would make all operations easier, not just news items.

> This also can be done, see EXT:cron_setdefaultauthor. And you can even
> configure which user sees which fields, so you can simplify news input
> by removing any field that is not relevant to your setup.

I'm really disappointed. Where can I find all this information? Which
plugins should be installed, so TYPO3 gets usable?
It seems you all install ten plugins and everything is okay. Why
doesn't TYPO3 come with those enabled, by default? Aren't there a few
very common plugins?

Waldemar Kornewald

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