[TYPO3-hci] BE vs FE

Tapio Markula tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Thu Aug 3 09:33:43 CEST 2006

Waldemar Kornewald wrote:

> In your opinion Plone is not approaching it? I mean, creating a news
> item is as easy as clicking "Add" -> "News Item". Creating a page is
> as easy as clicking "Add" -> "Page".

That could cause *extremely* irritating situations. I would hate plone 
if that is the only possibility because there is then just two options,
which both are bad.
a) put page as sub-page - really irritating
b) put page after existing - works in most cases

I used a CMS, which used always a).
If you work with 4. item in menu, and you want to create 5. page
1) go one step upward
2) create new page on the top of the menu
3) move step by step it downward

- that eight clicks! It could extermely slow to make pages, if you can'
select, where to put them.

I stopped using that CMS very soon - I was full of hate after that 
experience. If you must select where to put a new page, you don't 
necessary newer change it's position.

If you edit a page you can have save and new - now new page goes
automatic after existing. If you want so, ok.

Create a new page *always* just with one option might seem at first 
simple - but the result can be extremely annoying in long term - that 
kind of simplicity is not real simplicity because the consequence is 
often need immediately to move page elsewhere.

I would *newer* use a CMS, which would offer just one option to create a 
new page. That kind of CMS would be just *intolerable*.

> Or, what do you think about the problem that the left column in the BE
> affects the right column (instead of the middle column)? Shouldn't
> those page buttons be converted to tabs and moved to the right column?

these can be altered quite easily - in fact there is a plan to use top 
menu, which use dynamic menus (a this moment typo3 offers top menu, 
which use just icons). But in overall this is not a big problem.

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