[TYPO3-hci] BE vs FE

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Thu Aug 3 00:50:04 CEST 2006

>> In any case, the point is, in answer to a question of yours
>> elsewhere in this thread, that I don't believe in the possibility of
>> a product useable without training, even for the basics, because I
>> have never seen /any/ CMS tool--or /any/ software--that even
>> approaches this paradigm.
> In your opinion Plone is not approaching it? I mean, creating a news
> item is as easy as clicking "Add" -> "News Item". Creating a page is
> as easy as clicking "Add" -> "Page". Plone isn't perfect, but it does
> make very basic tasks doable without training. Esp. because the
> buttons (including their placement) are self-explanatory.

In TYPO3 it's
"create new record" -> "News Item"
"create new record" -> "Page"
or if you prefer to stay in the page view
"click icon" -> "new" -> Content"
"click icon" -> "new" -> Page"

So what's the big difference?

>> As far as a trial and error approach is concerned, I think if you
>> were given a /properly configured/ BE to play with, you'd find you
>> were able to create pages and contents in about 15 minutes.
> Right, but why is the BE not properly configured, by default?

As I already told you:
It is properly configured, but not for the end user, because usually it's
the admin who is coming first to setup the system for his editors.

>> TYPO3 is a framework targeted at /developers/ and their /clients/.
> Maybe that's the problem with my previous suggestions. So, what about
> me only making suggestions about how to improve the interface without
> doing any radical changes? Andreas Balzar already posted a nice mockup
> for a new BE which wouldn't introduce too radical changes, but still
> make everything more intuitive.
> Or, what do you think about the problem that the left column in the BE
> affects the right column (instead of the middle column)? Shouldn't
> those page buttons be converted to tabs and moved to the right column?

There is nothing new with this mockup except this ugly colored boxes in the
right frame and the dropdowns for the topmenu.
If you prefer the main menu to stay on top, go to your user setup and change
the selectbox "Select navigation mode".
You can even choose between a selectbox on top of the frame or a set of
Normally this is used if your screen resolution isn't very high, so that you
don't waste too much space for the left frame.

Try it, even though it's just another one out of many differenct "concepts"
to choose from ;-)


Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
(If you have no clues: simply shut your knob sometimes!)
Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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