[TYPO3-ect] tx_party - project management on forge.typo3.org?

Daniel Bruessler danielb at typo3.org
Sun Apr 27 19:22:12 CEST 2008

Hello David,

you have to accept the SSL cert. Maybe your browser has a problem with 
this, with firefox in default-settings you don't get a problem.

I prefer mantis, because this has a SOAP-interface. MUCH better to 
integrate in the comming documentation-portal.


>> => we need a database for projects, that helps new developers to find a
>> good task they can do to contribute in a project. Should be RSS with
>> categories so that it's easy to integrate into www.typo3.org - I think
>> I'll add that as a feature to the new documentation portal. So that's
>> "project-management-documentation"
> Too right! I'll forward this on to the TYPO3 Forge team[1].
> There are currently only v5 projects at forge.typo3.org but apparently
> v4 will soon find its way over there too.
> Robert, what do you think about adding the Party extension as a
> forge.typo3.org package under TYPO3 v4? ... With a view to moving it
> changing it to a FLOW3 package when the time is right.
> Christoph, would you be willing to change the name back to tx_party and
> move the SVN repository over there if we get the go-ahead? It would be
> great to take advantage of all the code and project management features
> in such a central location.
> In fact, I think a lot of the projects listed on the ECT wiki page[2]
> would find it very cosy on forge.typo3.org. Please take a look at the
> list of projects and let me know if you'd like to help get the ball
> rolling on forgifying them.
> I haven't been able to login to forge.typo3.org. When I try from the
> login/logout page[3] I get a "414 Request-URI Too Large" error. Who
> should I speak to about this? Should I launch a bug on the typo3.org
> bugtracker project? I couldn't see a more specific project over there.
>>> Obviously, I must have done something wrong, otherwise the project
>>> would be in a better state now. My problem was/is that I simply do not
>>> have enough time to provide all of that and/or to do a lot of the
>>> coding myself to get things started.
> Your work as been terrific so far Dave. Nobody can criticise you for
> what you've done so far. Now its up to us to keep the ball rolling. I
> have a lot of faith in the WEC team and I think you've left the project
> in great hands :-)
> Cheers,
> David
> [1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/teams-forge
> [2] http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Extension_coordination_team

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