[TYPO3-ect] taxonomies / categories in TYPO3

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Thu Oct 11 10:10:10 CEST 2007


>> what's about making a little demo extension with such mm_relations so 
>> we can try together to get it proper work with TCA.
>> It's difficult to discuss this only in theory because it need some 
>> investigation / try ( and error).
>> vg Steffen 
> I think I have figured it out...
> For an arbitrary table I'm going to create a fake category field using a 
> hook in the tceform class.
> In the tcemain I will use the "processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray" 
> hook to unset this fake field (to avoid sql-errors). This way the 
> MM-relations gets written but the tcemain will not try to write the 
> number of relations to the field.
> This way the categorization will work for any table in the $TCA without 
> the need to do any local configuration.

hey, that sound's really great. Can't wait to see and test a ALPHA/BETA 
version of the extension :)

Are you thinking of some kind of API, where administrators can easily 
configure for which tables the categories should be added? Maybe with a 
hook inside your functions or some custom TCA settings, pageTS, extconf 
settings or whatever?


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