[TYPO3-ect] "package extension"

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Oct 8 18:20:47 CEST 2007

Daniel Pötzinger wrote: on 07.10.2007 15:29:

>> But what if Developer A depends his ext on "ect" because at the time
>> of release of his ext, "ect" had the correct depedencies itself? And
>> later Elmar adds other stuff? The same as in my notice happens.
> Well you are right - I am also not convinced about package extensions
> but what if you guess this rules:
> - package extensions just helps to install certain usefull extensions
> faster
> - your own extension should not depend on a package extension
> However :-)

I agree here. For the end-user a "package extension" for ect-libraries
will only mean confusion. This is really useful just for developers to
"quick start" their work with useful ECT libraries. This should be
clearly marked in the "ect" package extension ("useful for developers
only"). The developers should make the habit of just requiring what they
really need from the "jungle of the many libraries within the TER".

The developed extensions should depend on the libraries they really
depend on.

DAM is different because it is not just a library ("dam"), but also a
set of backed user interfaces, which are not required for "dam" itself,
but usually one wouldn't go without most of them. This is where the
"suggests" should come in. "dam" should just suggest installing the
various interesting backend UIs. Or there might be a "DAM Backend"
"package extension" which installs them all.


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