[TYPO3-ect] "package extension"

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Sun Oct 7 14:47:54 CEST 2007

Hi Christian,

>> Just the emconf-file is needed with the list of all dependencies,
>> nothing else. When an admin installs the package-extension the extension
>> -manager gets all sub-parts.
> The problem i see here, is that such an extension might pollute the
> typo3 installation it is installed in. Example:
> The package ext "lib" depends on some exts, that make sense for the
> programmer of a new ext "foo" so he depends on "lib" and not on the
> parts he only uses (lib_template_html, lib_pagebrowser). All is fine
> until now.
> Now Elmar comes in and thinks "lib" should also depend on 6 other
> lib-extensions (propel, squid-proxy, rss-import, you get the idea) and
> adds these dependencies... so the EM pulls in all new extensions on an
> update of lib although the only extension that uses lib ("foo") doesn't
> need them...

In case of lib/div extension packages might not be very suitable - I 
think you're right in this point, but I guess this is not what Daniel 
ment. Have a look a my answer to Daniels post, to see how he might have 
meant it. I think the 'extension packages' are more something like 
'extension collections' for various usecases (like the exampels in my 
answer). So I don't see a problem at all.

Of cause you're right, that a 'low-level' extension pair like lib/div 
them selfs must not start to get extension packages, but there could be 
extension packages in TER that depend on lib or div like you mentioned.

Kind regards,

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