[TYPO3-ect] Spring and Symfony

Daniel Pötzinger operation-lan at gmx.de
Sun Oct 7 13:44:20 CEST 2007

Elmar Hinz schrieb:
> Hello,
> I compared lib to Spring (JAVA) and to Sympfony (PHP)
> Spring
> The core idea of Spring is, to configure singletons and there relations by a
> configuration file. It is an implementation of the injection pattern. It
> simplifies unit testing. Objects can be quickly exchanged by changing the
> configuration file without the need to recompile at all.
> For JAVA objects that live persistantly in a container, it's a good idea to
> instance them all in advance based on a configuration file. It's not useful
> for an interpreted language like PHP. We only want to instance objects we
> need on demand. 
> To learn: Make all object relations configurable on the level of TS. 
> Apart from this spring is a very flexible framework that can be combined
> with other approches like XSLT, Struts, JSP etc. In this it is similar to
> lib, wich also can combined with other libs on nearly every level.
> Symfony
> I mainly researched how the model is done, the DAO. It's Propel below. A
> scaffold of the model is autogenerated based on an xml configuration file,
> that describes the objects relations. The result is a model in traditional
> style with a setter for each property: setId, setTitle, setName, .... 
> After the quick startup by autogeneration the more work is awaiting because
> of the setters. I think that's not really the road to go for lib/div,
> taking your responses according this question into account. 
> Different approaches are possible. We could use DAOs, that dynamically use
> the TCA configuration instead of hardcoding all setters, wich is more
> flexible than scaffolding.

In big projects I always have a seperate Folder called "dao", where Data 
Access Objects are located. This is how I use them:

have a class "dao_base" where all dao_* classes inherite from. The 
classes are used to encapsulate all selects. So for each special purpose 
there is a function which do some  selects - even more complex thing 
like doing many selects..
The classes are normaly used noninstanciated - like 

But in terms of lib/div its better to use SingleTon for each DAO class.

The advantages:
1) dao_base has standard functions like:
- a "enableFields(table)" function (working for BE and FE)
- quoteStr
- where generators for wildcars searches ("austria* AND book")
standard getRecord() and getRecords() functions

2) DAO classes are reusable in FE and BE

3) Encapsulates all SQLs - e.g. you can exchange this classes dependend 
on the database....

4) in terms of MVC they are normaly called only by the model

5) very easy to test with PHPUnit

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