[TYPO3-ect] TODO

Daniel Brüßler info at -remove-patchworking.de
Sat Jan 27 11:47:22 CET 2007

Hello Nikolas,

for examples of "extend extensions" I mean:

super-root is the TYPO3-core
root for the FE is lib/div
in first level there are dr_wiki, cal
in second level are plugins for dr_wiki, addons for cal

All these would be a component:
- models what carry the data of the addon-feature
- views what can view them
- controllers what can listen to GET/POST/something handle the model,
call a view
- configuration what defines what stuff is in use

This would be a "helper":
- new skin for dr_wiki (=a template)

kind regards
Daniel Brüßler

Nikolas Hagelstein schrieb:
> Hi,
>> all right, so could you give an example how other frameworks use hooks
>> for addons? I think this is very important for us, because it's good
>> when extensions can be extended easily.
> ok, could you provide more information on what you exactly mean by "extension" things
> like third party modules? e.g. smarty? This depends on where those "extension" are needed.
> I.E a view extensions is probably integrated as helper while something used by a controller would be a component.
> Place name a few samples apps you would like to see getting integrated.
> bye,
> Nikolas

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