[TYPO3-ect] lib/div 1.0 - it's time to say thank you

Nikolas Hagelstein hagelstein at shr.cc
Mon Jan 8 15:13:45 CET 2007

> $myView->set('username', 'Nikolas Hagelstein');
ok great....

> Well. A very simple solution is to use two plugins, if you know both
> actions. 
Hehe sure but this isnt really an option ;)

> I personally didn't have such a case, so a requestAction function is
> not included at the moment. 
This becomes absolutly essential in large applications/plugins.
for multi record forms.

> But I see the point and it shouldn't be to
> difficult to implement such a function. Just inherit a controller and
> implement it there. If it works => typo3xdev on sourceforge.
I am going to play around with it this weekend. 
> Data to the subcontroller you could also pass into it as localConf as
> the  second parameter to the main function. 
> Inside that subcontroller you  would  find that data inside the
configuration object. 
> Other channels would also  be possible.
Yes right.

BTW: beside actionRequest another usefull thing would be "redirect"
which is quite similar to
actionRequest except that it does a "location header redirect". 

You already equiped the view with a lot of helpfull
function i would politly suggest a few more;) :
What about providing functions for outputing the most common html tags
in a wellformed manner. 
Especially a "selecttag" function would be usefull 
since selectd tags are often populated from a list of db records.


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