[TYPO3-ect] FE users to addresses relations

David Bruehlmeier typo3 at bruehlmeier.com
Mon Jan 8 12:51:57 CET 2007

Hi Ernesto,
>> This would be a n:n relation between fe_users and tt_address.
> The latter seems to be more of an ACL than a relationship ("allowed to
> edit"). How would a FE-user link to an existing address that was already
> created by a different FE-user? What sense would that make, are there
> any real use-cases for that? For the "commerce" part (a single user
> having multiple delivery adresses) I could live with only the 1:n
> relationship.

it's not 100% the same, but I have also thought about having an n:n 
relationship between parties (e.g. persons) and addresses. A real 
use-case for that might be a whole family living at the same house. You 
would store a party-record for each member of the family, but only one 
address-record, with a relationship to each party. So when the family 
moves to a new house, all you need to do is update the address-record. 
This might also be handy for physical mailings etc.

Assigning an address to multiple parties is likely only going to happen 
from the backend (after all, you need to be able to search all 
addresses, which might not be a good idea for a frontend-user to allow). 
But still, I think the model should support that.


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