[TYPO3-ect] Provide general AJAX call handler for backend functions/modules with mID technique
Steffen Kamper
steffen at dislabs.de
Sun Feb 11 21:46:58 CET 2007
"Oliver Hader" <oh at inpublica.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:mailman.1.1171196047.17223.typo3-team-extension-coordination at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi,
> there is a recent discussion about a general entry point and handler for
> AJAX calls on the TYPO3 back-end. Due mostly specific user extensions
> are affected, it would be great if the ECT could participate on this
> issue. Thanks in advance! :-)
> Description:
> To avoid that every backend module has to create and use its own AJAX
> handler, a general handler class is required. According to the eID of
> the TYPO3 front-end there shall be a mID (module identifier) for
> back-end purpose.
> The new feature has to support AJAX calls in general, this includes
> xaJax as well as basic calls produced by prototype.js.
> Thus this feature could be used by any backend function of individual
> user extensions.
> The stack to register and enable a module and an action could look like
> this (defined in ext_localconf.php like done for eID):
> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['mID_include'][<package>][<action>] = array(
> 'handler' => '<handler>',
> 'required' => array('<php-class-file-1>', '<php-class-file-2>'),
> 'encodeUTF8' => <boolean>
> );
> The Backus-Naur (eBNF) form of the key 'handler' could look like this:
> handler ::= <static> | <instance>
> static ::= <class> "::" <function>
> instance ::= (<variable>|<class>) "->" {<object> "->"} <method>
> variable ::= "$" <valid-php-identifier>
> class ::= <valid-php-identifier>
> object ::= <valid-php-identifier>
> function ::= <valid-php-identifier>
> method ::= <valid-php-identifier>
> (* @see http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.variables.php [^] *)
> valid-php-identifier = ? chars that are valid in PHP for variables ?
> Example:
> $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']['mID_include']['IRRE']['createNewRecord']=array(
> 'handler' => 't3lib_TCEforms->inline->createNewRecord',
> 'required' => array(PATH_t3lib.'class.t3lib_tceforms.php'),
> 'encodeUTF8' => false
> );
> References:
> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=4966
> http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-dev/2007-February/022047.html
> olly
> --
> Oliver Hader
> http://inpublica.de/
Hi Oliver,
yes, this is a good idea. Please contact Daniel for creating a project page
on Wiki.
I will take the info for the ECT-Homepage, that will appears in the next
Most (really all) projects are cocerned to FE-issues, i'm glad that now
there is an BE Issue. But it could be
useful for FE as well, cause prototype techniques are also good for
presenting data on FE Page like drag&drop etc.
vg Steffen
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