[TYPO3-ect] suggested way of mixing up USER and USER_INT in one plugin-instance

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 30 14:52:22 CET 2007

Franz Koch wrote:

> Hi,
> what is the suggested way to get one plugin instance that acts as USER
> or USER_INT object depending on the parameters given in the url for the
> latest release of lib/div. Is there a quick guide what's the best way to
> do? Subcontrollers configured with TS?
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Greetings,
> Franz

Hi Franz,

I can't give THE suggested way, because there are still few experiences. The
easiest idea I have, is to do it already on TS level. 

With parameters:

You would write a condition with the parameters, to differ the calls to USER

Without parameters:

You would call the same extension with two different Plugin names, once as
USER and once as USER_INT and plugin in the version you actually need.

Alternatively you could follow Steffens suggestion to differ with a
function. The problem here is, that the action function of lib is called
main. You would need to call the USER/USER_INT switching function first by
a different name, that calls the main function in a second step.

For lib/div there is no need for any internal setting inside PHP, but you
have to take care, that you send a cHash to USER objects. You probably
don't want send a cHash to a USER_INT version. That task to differ this,
you have to solve in the location, where you create the link. 



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