[TYPO3-ect] Close to final alpha - Roadmap

Elmar Hinz elmar07 at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 17 14:28:05 CET 2007

Franz Koch wrote:

> Hi Elmar,
>> you can checkout lib/div from SVN again now and test it with apples and
>> the PHP5 plugins of bananas.
> I'd like to, but I'm not really familiar with SVN and unfortunately the
> latest nightly build on http://typo3xdev.sourceforge.net/ is from
> 2007-12-11. Is it possible to get a t3x somewhere?
> Currently I struggle with the version from 2007-12-11 and unfortunately
> don't get it running. No output and no processing of any classes as it
> seems, although I switched from a user_key to a regular tx_key.
> Thanks.
> --
> Greetings,
> Franz

Hi Franz

a simple export from SVN is that easy, that it is worth to do it directly
now. It's a question of minutes and you gain a lot more options to act.

If you prefer windows, "tortoise" is your friend. It's stable, it's easy,
it's directly integrated into the file explorer.  


Give it a try now. The pathes to export: 


On Unixes it's just one line of code to copy and past into the command line:

svn export
https://typo3xdev.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3xdev/tx_lib/trunk lib

one line of code on the command line for div:

svn export
https://typo3xdev.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/typo3xdev/tx_div/trunk div

one line of code on the command line for bananas:

svn export

Good luck


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