[TYPO3-ect] phpunit: Experiencies and TODO

Mario Rimann typo3-coding at rimann.org
Sat Dec 8 20:27:51 CET 2007


Elmar Hinz schrieb:
> Do you already work with phpunit?

Yes, we use it for further development of the Seminar Manager
(tx_seminars) and our library (tx_oelib) and for other smaller projects.

> What are your experiences? Which feature requests do you have?

phpunit works just fine! There was one idea that popped into my mind
while working on a bigger thing where running all the tests to see
whether a small set of new tests work took some more time. I proposed to
have an additional selector on top, where you can select, which test
suite you want to run.

An other thing me found out during work on the Seminar Manager:
Sometimes we need real records to be present in the database to be able
to test methods that access those records. For this I wrote a small
testing framework that allowas easy creation and removal of regular
database records and also relations. It allows also for automatic
cleanup which removes all the dummy records and also resets the
auto_increment index so that tables are left in a proper status. This
feature will be in the next official release of tx_oelib - but is
already available in the SVN repository at typo3xdev.sourceforge.net.

- mario

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