[TYPO3-ect] CCF Common Category Framework

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Fri Sep 22 11:07:39 CEST 2006

David Toshack wrote:

> I'm  thinking maybe the pagetree would be enough for a central module.
> Maybe with some sort of configuration (pageTS?), to show or hide certain
> doctypes or tables in the pagetree?

Meanwhile I have build a new navigation frame for the categories, so
that the Tree can be adapted. Category trees get their own mounts.
Categories contain only categories, so that there is no need do more
configuratin here. There shouldn't be other types.

Anybody who is interested can ask me for a snapshot of the current
development state as t3X file.

> I'm not sure how much of this should be an extension and how much would
> require core modifications. It will be interesting to get some input
> from Franz & Chi. Elmar has been in contact with them both in the DAM
> newsgroup. Franz has done some great work on the tx_graytree extension.
> And Chi, in tx_dam_catedit.

I exchanged mails with Franz. Chi didn't answer upon the posting in DAM.
There is no documentation for graytree, wich makes it extremley
difficult to get started with it. It references tx_commerce as usage
example, but tx_commerce wasn't published. For trying to understand it's
usage I a use a "tutor extension", which may help future users.

>> Can we create new doktypes on extension level or do we need to
>> hack/XCLASS core files for this?

> I have thought about this solution in the past. I think its a great idea
> along with a pages_mm table. As far as I know this would require some
> core changes, which we are probably due for anyway in the coming 4.x
> versions.

It was easy to create category doctypes by TCA, pages is just a table
like other tables. Doktypes seem currently limited to 256 (I don't see a
reason for this.) So I will choose 200 for the standard category.

>> Well, this looks a number to big for my project.
> IPTC XMP support is on the DAM roadmap[1]. Since XMP is a specification
> of RDF, maybe this could be a possibility for the future? I'm sure its
> quite a while off, but this would also bring us closer to having Topic
> Maps[2] be imported to categories too. With a little work, this would
> also be a great way of managing country, zone and language meta data
> from outside sources.

Please, don't expect me to build all this. It would need the
participation of others.

Like the categories all this is "Metadata Stuff". Metadata need to be
used by digital assets in form of files (DAM) as well as by data stored
in form of relational database tables (typical extensions).

Unfortunately DAMs categories (and cat_edit) are build in or depened on
DAM file management module. It would probably be the same with IPTC XMP,
if it is on the DAMs roadmap.

The different order would by right, so that metadata could be used by
extensions without the DAM file manager beeing installed. I tried to ask
Rene about this in DAM newsgroup, without answer yet.

>>> DAM integration..... my impression is that DAM is about managing file
>>> resources?????  Categorisation of file resources according to customised
>>> or global categories is the same as for any other table.
>> Yes, but DAM has already a buildin category tree, just like tt_news. If
>> we don't do something special the user would need to decide which
>> categories to use.  Hmmm ... that confuses the user ...

> Hmmm there has been some talk about merging the filetree into the
> pagetree. Not sure if that will actually happen, but I would assume
> these new global categories would fit well for both tx_dam and tt_news.

That is the idea of common categories. :-)

tt_news has a very enhanced category system. The access can be partly
controlled by categories. That would also be an interesting feature for
common categories. I have not planned that so far. But that is a point
that needs to be regarded when using CCF with tt_news.



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