[TYPO3-ect] Global categories startup

David Toshack david at vaultin.com
Thu Sep 21 06:49:24 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> steve ryan wrote:
>> An afterthought is that the biggest downside to using the pid field is
>> that is single selection only. It's not like you can hack the meta data
>> without consequence either.
> Yes, I think a single table that stores table name and id for the
> relations can be a clean solution. You can involve a lot of existing
> extensions without direct alteration of the extensions. You need one
> central module to organize all relations in the backend.
I'm  thinking maybe the pagetree would be enough for a central module.
Maybe with some sort of configuration (pageTS?), to show or hide certain
doctypes or tables in the pagetree?

I'm not sure how much of this should be an extension and how much would
require core modifications. It will be interesting to get some input
from Franz & Chi. Elmar has been in contact with them both in the DAM
newsgroup. Franz has done some great work on the tx_graytree extension.
And Chi, in tx_dam_catedit.

> You can search all this tables in the FE by the new category sytem. For
> the labels in the common result list you can use the title field
> information from the TCA. Now you still need to generate the appropriate
> call to the FE details view. Here we need a big configuration array that
> maps our links to the single views of each extension type.
> Ernesto wrote:
> So maybe the idea would be simply to use the "pages" table for that. We
> define a new doktype "category":
> Can we create new doktypes on extension level or do we need to
> hack/XCLASS core files for this?
I have thought about this solution in the past. I think its a great idea
along with a pages_mm table. As far as I know this would require some
core changes, which we are probably due for anyway in the coming 4.x

>> Nice would be a kickstarter option alongside enable fields.
>> I think that implementing standards like RDF resource tags is a
> I needed to consult google:
> <quote source="http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/">
> The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing
> information in the Web.
> RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax defines an abstract syntax on which RDF
> is based, and which serves to link its concrete syntax to its formal
> semantics. It also includes discussion of design goals, key concepts,
> datatyping, character normalization and handling of URI references.
> </quote>
> Well, this looks a number to big for my project.
IPTC XMP support is on the DAM roadmap[1]. Since XMP is a specification
of RDF, maybe this could be a possibility for the future? I'm sure its
quite a while off, but this would also bring us closer to having Topic
Maps[2] be imported to categories too. With a little work, this would
also be a great way of managing country, zone and language meta data
from outside sources.

>> DAM integration..... my impression is that DAM is about managing file
>> resources?????  Categorisation of file resources according to customised
>> or global categories is the same as for any other table.
> Yes, but DAM has already a buildin category tree, just like tt_news. If
> we don't do something special the user would need to decide which
> categories to use.  Hmmm ... that confuses the user ...
Hmmm there has been some talk about merging the filetree into the
pagetree. Not sure if that will actually happen, but I would assume
these new global categories would fit well for both tx_dam and tt_news.


[1] http://typo3.org/development/projects/digital-asset-management/roadmap/
[2] http://www.topicmaps.org/xtm/index.html

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