[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

Michael Scharkow michael at underused.org
Tue Sep 12 15:41:19 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz schrieb:

> I have some doubts, if you need to do something with the received data,
> like you stated in the lines before. But again I am simply not a JS
> programmer.

The one good (IMHO) thing about prototype is that it adds a lot of 
convenience to JS functions, like iterating over objects, etc. in a way 
that is familiar to most programmers. If you need hardcore DOM 
manipulation, you have to understand JS anyway, even when using xajax.

>> No offence, but it sounds like you have a strong personal + for using
>> xajax without really looking into others needs.
> I certainly have a personal interest as a am the maintainer of the TYPO3
> version of xajax. Every time I need to implement an update, I have to
> invest several hours to do a clean portatation.

Using protoype would make it *very* easy to keep up with the upstream 
version because it is essentially one single JS file.

> I don't need all this goodies to simply display a menu tree. In this
> case performance is the most critical factor. A specially tailored
> version of ajax would still be the best solution for such critical tasks.

Displaying a menu tree does not involve much work with most AJAX libs, 
and if we include prototype.js in all BE output, it will be cacheable 
and not cost much performance.


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