[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Sep 12 15:27:02 CEST 2006

R. van Twisk wrote:

>> * Programmers that don't want to fiddle around with javaScript will use
>> xajax.
> I don't fully agree, when I look at the examples of xajax, for example
> the multiply
> I still need to make onclick handers :
> http://www.xajaxproject.org/examples/multiply/multiply
> So I do need to know about javascript to get values from components.

That is true. You need a minimal knowlage of onclick handlers.

> I think that prototype with there $ function solves that much better.
> The a mouth of complex JS is also limited with prototype...

I can't judge about the amount of JS in prototype. I am a simple PHP

>> * Programmers that want quality by prevention of errors in javaScript,
>> will use xajax, because javascript is fully autogenerated.
> When it comes to the ajax part, this goes for prototype aswell.

So in what language do you programm prototype calls?

>> * Programmers that wish a slim library can use xajax.
> Agreed... But you still need to do something with the data you receive
> this needs a good library like prototype.

Wrong. I don't need to do something with the received data. What happens
with the data, is determined by the selection of the appropriate
function on PHP level.

>> * Programmers that want a high production rate will use xajax.
> Totally not agreed... if you know prototype and it's functions you can
> make your behaviors just as fast as with any other library.

I have some doubts, if you need to do something with the received data,
like you stated in the lines before. But again I am simply not a JS

> No offence, but it sounds like you have a strong personal + for using
> xajax without really looking into others needs.

I certainly have a personal interest as a am the maintainer of the TYPO3
version of xajax. Every time I need to implement an update, I have to
invest several hours to do a clean portatation.

> In MY case we need for example a method the build DOM elements,
> I don't think that xajax can help me with that, yet prototope and
> scripto...
> can do that for me.

That's what I am telling. xajax is usefull to do a bunch of daily tasks
very quickly. But it is not a replacement for a full featured ajax
library like prototype.

> it's fat because it contains many many functions to do any daily task.
> Any slim library
> cannot handle what prototype can do. There are quite some good things in
> prototype.
> TYPO3 is a 'fat' library, but it doesn't mean it's bad, it just contains
> a lot of goodies.

I don't need all this goodies to simply display a menu tree. In this
case performance is the most critical factor. A specially tailored
version of ajax would still be the best solution for such critical tasks.



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