[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Tue Sep 12 15:34:22 CEST 2006

R. van Twisk wrote:
> Joerg Schoppet wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just want to ask the above question.
>> Actually I see the following progress:
>> Here, in the ECT, XAJAX is promoted. There are even some exts, which
>> build on it.
> To be honest, I think most of the promotion comes from you,
> which is ok of course.... Before the was xajax, there where already many
> other options. I have been working with jpspan a lot.


I have never heard of jpspan before your posting. :-) There are so many
php/js libraries popping up theese days, some of them with really nice
functionalities. It would be a mistake if the ECT team would fix
ultimatively upon one of them. It also would be a mistake if ECT
wouldn't give any recommendation within this jungle.

I think we officially should promote xajax constantly for some period
until there comes up a significant better alternative or until we have
an own TYPO3 ajax service available, that can offer similar functionality.

There are three good reasons to promote xajax for now:

1.) It does the job well
2.) It is available and maintained as a stable TYPO3 extension.
3.) There is a tutor extension available for it.

We still can't say all of this for other libraries.

As soon as we can say this we can reflect the matter.



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