[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

R. van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Tue Sep 12 14:38:52 CEST 2006

Joerg Schoppet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just want to ask the above question.
> Actually I see the following progress:
> Here, in the ECT, XAJAX is promoted. There are even some exts, which 
> build on it.
To be honest, I think most of the promotion comes from you,
which is ok of course.... Before the was xajax, there where already many
other options. I have been working with jpspan a lot.

I also need to admit that I never played with xajax because I already
used jpspan and prototype a lot.

What I read about jpspan difference and xajax difference is that both do 
the same.
But what I know jpspan does some error reporting (if timeout them...bla 
What jpspan also offers, and that is the part I liked a lot is I can 
call functions
within classes without making wrapper functions.

By doing it the 'jpspan' way We don't have to worry about namespace between
function names. Because at some point everybody would like to call his 

> Following the last threat about TYPO3 4.1 in the HCI- and CORE-team it 
> looks like they have make the decision for prototype.
> I've to say, that the decision for prototype was a highlight (!!!) for 
> community work:
> Kasper: There have to be a discussion about which ajax-framework to use.
> Person1: We implement a new page-tree with prototype.
> Person2: Yes, we use prototype.
> Person3: We use prototype.
> Person4: Ok, then it looks like prototype is the winner.
> For me, XAJAX and prototype are not really comparable:
> XAJAX implements some basic DOM-manipulating things, which can be used 
> by extension-devs without any knowledge about javascript.
I don think that prototype and XAJAX is two completely different things.
And they can live next to eachother. xajax is more like a helper to call 
php functions
with a little bit of JS magic, while prototype is just a JS library 
where you need to
do the ajax work yourself.

> prototype with the combination of e.g. script.aculo.us allows you more 
> "funny" things to do with your web-app, but you need javascript-knowledge.
> My dream ;-) would be, to have the strengths of both approaches combined:
> The easy of use of XAJAX for php-programmers and the different effects 
> of prototype.
> Comments?
I really prefere to use the eID method with prototype.
This is the reason why:

Although xajax is cool, I always need to call some function to get my 
With prototype I setup a two java function ajax call that calls some
php file in the end. eID allows me to initialize that part of typo3 what 
I need
(just a DB, or a DB with users info or.... etc etc).

Currently I don't see how xajax will solve that problem I know it can 
call a function,
but I cannot see how typo3 libraries initialized.

One other thing I liek about prototype in combination with scripto....
Is builder.... it's to cool!!!

just my 2 cents...

> Joerg Schoppet
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Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
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=== Work:
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web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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