[TYPO3-ect] Future of different AJAX-libs?

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Tue Sep 12 10:50:34 CEST 2006

Elmar Hinz schrieb:
> Martin Kutschker wrote:
>>PS: I not that the Core team and the ECT don't work together at all.
> Hi Martin,
> the core team is a closed shop. That has it's advantages and it's
> disadvantages. One of the advantages is, to come quickly to decisions.
> One of the disadvantages is, that a certain mentality is supported not
> to communicate with others, because the opinions of others are regarded
> as practically irrellavant.

I now that this is not the fault of ECT.

> You will observe that only few core devs follow actively the ECT list or
> even answer in discussions. You are one of the positive exceptions. I
> need to repeat this: There is no way for extension developers to write
> to the core list. So communication can't use that channel. If it happens
> it is likely that it happens on the ECTs channel.

IMHO there should be a way in which relevant discussions are joined. I 
don't think that all decisions here are relevant for the Core. OTOH, some 
ideas that go now in external libs may be suited for the Core. But I'm 
aware that an external lib has the advantage of more frequent updates as 
Core extensions do not change between minor releases.


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