[TYPO3-ect] Relations: Next Steps

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Thu Oct 5 07:28:26 CEST 2006

Hello again,

the target of the ECT Team is not only to discuss things, but to reach
results. So what shall be the next steps now?

The first result is, that we found out the the most urgent step has
already been done. Thanks to Sebastian and Ingmar.

The target that we can reach within ECT is to agree on a specification
that discribes in details what we require for extension development.
This specification goes to the core developers. It's upon them to
ultimatively decide, what parts they will implement. But there is
nothing wrong in supporting them with patches if anyone of us has skills
and motivation to do this.

To burn the results of the discussion down I come to this 4 points:

1.) Bidirectional asymmetric MM relations (done for next version)
2.) Bidirectional symmetric MM relations (few interest, much work)
3.) Attributes on 1.) (most wanted)
4.) Attributes on 2.) (see 2.)

Next Steps:

1.) I ask Oliver Hader to write down a draft of the specification (1 or
2 pages)
2.) We dicusss the draft here
3.) If O.K. we agree on the draft by subscribing it
4.) We handle it to Michael Stucki as leader of the core team
5.) We present it to Kasper as leader of the R&D team

Have a nice day


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